Apache Pulsar in Action

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Price$46.99 - $51.85
AuthorDavid Kjerrumgaard
FormatPaper book / ebook (PDF)
EBook Hardcover Paperback

Apache Pulsar in Action is a comprehensive and practical guide to building high-traffic applications with Pulsar. You'll learn to use this mature and battle-tested platform to deliver extreme levels of speed and durability to your messaging. Apache Pulsar committer David Kjerrumgaard teaches you to apply Pulsar's seamless scalability through hands-on case studies, including IOT analytics applications and a microservices app based on Pulsar functions.

Reliable server-to-server messaging is the heart of a distributed application. Apache Pulsar is a flexible real-time messaging platform built to run on Kubernetes and deliver the scalability and resilience required for cloud-based systems. Pulsar supports both streaming and message queuing, and unlike other solutions, it can communicate over multiple protocols including MQTT, AMQP, and Kafka's binary protocol.

Apache Pulsar in Action teaches you to build scalable streaming messaging systems using Pulsar. You'll start with a rapid introduction to enterprise messaging and discover the unique benefits of Pulsar. Following crystal-clear explanations and engaging examples, you'll use the Pulsar Functions framework to develop a microservices-based application. Real-world case studies illustrate how to implement the most important messaging design patterns.

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