Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

Bookstore > Books > Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

Price$12.61 - $69.60
AuthorsArnaud Cogoluegnes, Thierry Templier, Andy Piper, Peter Kriens
FormatPaper book / ebook (PDF)
EBook Hardcover Paperback

Spring Dynamic Modules is a flexible OSGi-based framework that makes component building a snap. With Spring DM, you can easily create highly modular applications and you can dynamically add, remove, and update your modules.

Spring Dynamic Modules in Action is a comprehensive tutorial that presents OSGi concepts and maps them to the familiar ideas of the Spring framework. In it, you'll learn to effectively use Spring DM. You will master powerful techniques like embedding a Spring container inside an OSGi bundle, and see how Spring's dependency injection compliments OSGi.and configuration in OSGi.

  1. (2 books)

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