Programming Books

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Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery

Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery

by Jack Moffitt

XMPP is a robust protocol used for a wide range of applications, including instant messaging, multi-user chat, voice and video conferencing, collaborative spaces, real-time gaming, data synchronization, and search. This book teaches you how to harness the power of XMPP in your own apps and presents you with all the tools you need to build the next generation of apps using XMPP or add new features to your cu...

Publisher:  Wrox  |  Release:  2010

Beginning iPhone SDK Programming with Objective-C

Beginning iPhone SDK Programming with Objective-C

by Wei-Meng Lee

Learning to develop iPhone applications doesn't need to be an overwhelming undertaking. This book provides an easy-to-follow,example-driven introduction to the fundamentals of the Apple iPhone SDK and offers you a clear understanding of how things are done when programming iPhone applications with Objective-C. As you progress through the exercises featured in each chapter, you will discover the simple ...

Publisher:  Wrox  |  Release:  2010

Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming

Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming

by Christine Solnon

Ant colony optimization is a metaheuristic which has been successfully applied to a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems. The author describes this metaheuristic and studies its efficiency for solving some hard combinatorial problems, with a specific focus on constraint programming. The text is organized into three parts.The first part introduces constraint programming, which provides high leve...

Price:  $129.20  |  Publisher:  Wiley  |  Release:  2010

Cocoa Programming

Cocoa Programming

by Daniel H Steinberg

Apple's Cocoa frameworks let you write powerful and attractive applications for Mac OS X or the iPhone. With this book plus your existing knowledge of object-oriented programming you can take advantage of Cocoa and create compelling, feature rich, compliant Mac applications for this industry-leading environment using XCode 3....

Price:  $3.73  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2010

Beginning Mac Programming

Beginning Mac Programming

by Tim Isted

You already know the reasons to get into Mac programming: millions of users rely on the Mac as their primary operating system. If you are searching for a new job, acquiring a skill set, or simply inspired to develop software for the Mac, Beginning Mac Programming is the practical and straightforward introduction to the basics you need to create innovative applications that people will seek out, discuss, and...

Price:  $3.74  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2010

iPad Programming

iPad Programming

by Daniel H Steinberg, Eric T Freeman

It's not an iPhone and it's not a laptop: the iPad is a groundbreaking new device. You need to create true iPad apps to take advantage of all that is possible with the iPad. If you're an experienced iPhone developer, iPad Programming will show you how to write these outstanding new apps while completely fitting your users expectation for this device....

Price:  $4.39  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2010

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks

by Bruce A. Tate

You should learn a programming language every year, as recommended by The Pragmatic Programmer. But if one per year is good, how about Seven Languages in Seven Weeks? In this book you'll get a hands-on tour of Clojure, Haskell, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, and Ruby. Whether or not your favorite language is on that list, you'll broaden your perspective of programming by examining these languages side...

Price:  $12.86  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2010

Learning Go

FREE EBOOK - Learning Go

by Miek Gieben

This is an introduction to the Go language from Google. Its aim is to provide a guide to this new and innovative language.The intended audience of this book is people who are familiar with programming and know multiple programming languages,be it C, C++, Perl, Java, Erlang, Scala or Haskell. This is not a book which teaches you how to program, this is a bookthat just teaches you how to use Go.As with learni...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2010

Effective C#, 2nd Edition

Effective C#, 2nd Edition

by Bill Wagner

C# has matured over the past decade: It's now a rich language with generics, functional programming concepts, and support for both static and dynamic typing. This palette of techniques provides great tools for many different idioms, but there are also many ways to make mistakes. In Effective C#, Second Edition, respected .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies fifty ways you can leverage the full power of t...

Price:  $5.05  |  Publisher:  Addison-Wesley  |  Release:  2010

Essential C# 4.0, 3rd Edition

Essential C# 4.0, 3rd Edition

by Mark Michaelis

Essential C# 4.0 is a well-organized, "no-fluff" guide to all versions of C# for programmers at all levels of C# experience. This fully updated edition shows how to make the most of C# 4.0's new features and programming patterns to write code that is simple, yet powerful.This edition contains two new chapters on parallel programming, multi­threading, and concurrency, as well as exten...

Price:  $5.89  |  Publisher:  Addison-Wesley  |  Release:  2010

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