Project Books

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Python Data Analysis

Python Data Analysis

by Ivan Idris

Dive deeper into data analysis with the flexibility of Python and learn how its extensive range of scientific and mathematical libraries can be used to solve some of the toughest challenges in data analysis. Build your confidence and expertise and develop valuable skills in high demand in a world driven by Big Data with this expert data analysis book.This data science tutorial will help you learn how to eff...

Price:  $49.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

Unity Game Development Blueprints

Unity Game Development Blueprints

by John P. Doran

Unity 3D is a powerful and popular game development tool that has taken game developers by storm. It is a cross-platform game engine, enabling you to write your game once and then port it to PCs, consoles, and even the Web, making it a great choice for both indie and AAA developers. Unity combines serious power with a friendly, easy-to-use interface.Unity Game Development Blueprints takes you on an exciting...

Price:  $27.23  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

Delphi Cookbook

Delphi Cookbook

by Daniele Teti

With this book, you will gain valuable and practical knowledge of the latest functionalities of Delphi. Starting with the foundations, you will work on your VCL application, customize the TDBGrid, and configure your runtime class using RTTI. Going forward, you will build on this foundation and deploy FireMonkey to go cross-platform or even call FireMonkey from a VCL project, and you will fully understand ho...

Price:  $44.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

Highcharts Cookbook

Highcharts Cookbook

by Nicholas Terwoord

Highcharts is a JavaScript library that enables web developers to create a wide range of different, highly customized charts. Highcharts easily integrates with existing JavaScript frameworks and is simple enough to make a column chart in a few lines of code, but flexible enough to handle more complex charting scenarios such as viewing multiple chart types with different data sources on a multitude of device...

Price:  $26.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

Creating Flat Design Websites

Creating Flat Design Websites

by Antonio Pratas

Flat design is a simple yet visually appealing and increasingly popular style, particularly good for people just starting to develop their own websites. This book helps you to create a simple and good looking product in the flat design style.Creating Flat Design Websites will cover the origins of flat design, its principles as a visual style, and how to start designing right away, always making sure that th...

Price:  $13.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

AngularJS Essentials

FREE EBOOK - AngularJS Essentials

by Rodrigo Branas

This book is a practical guide filled with real-world examples that will help you discover the best practices of the AngularJS framework, covering its most important concepts such as directives, expressions, filters, and modules and guiding you through the steps of building your very own web application.You will start by learning how to create reusable components with directives, experiencing an expressive ...

Price:  $34.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

Mastering Grunt

Mastering Grunt

by Daniel Li

Grunt.js continues to excel as the build automation tool of choice. Along with its support for many third-party technologies, Grunt is packaged with a clean API for defining tasks. This powerful tool can streamline your workflow by automating the preparation tasks for production, such as compression, compilation, obfuscation, testing, and even pushing your web application live. This book will teach you how ...

Price:  $13.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

HBase Design Patterns

HBase Design Patterns

by Mark Kerzner, Sujee Maniyam

With the increasing use of NoSQL in general and HBase in particular, knowing how to build practical applications depends on the application of design patterns. These patterns, distilled from extensive practical experience of multiple demanding projects, guarantee the correctness and scalability of the HBase application. They are also generally applicable to most NoSQL databases.Starting with the basics, thi...

Price:  $32.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

WebRTC Integrator's Guide

WebRTC Integrator's Guide

by Altanai

WebRTC enables real-time communication across the Web and with the whole telecom world behind a single button on a web page. WebRTC promises to bring new reforms and innovation for IP telephony. WebRTC comes with numerous integration features, such as new standards for VoIP services, call control applications, profile and phonebook management, and much more.This book covers all aspects of building a standal...

Price:  $49.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

Learning BeagleBone

Learning BeagleBone

by Hunyue Yau

The BeagleBone is a microboard computer that offers all the possibilities of a larger PC in a miniaturized package. By learning embedded Linux for the BeagleBone, you can get started on the road to utilizing the power of the board to achieve its full potential.This book covers right from unboxing, showing you the absolute basics of using your new BeagleBone to give you the knowledge you need to be a respons...

Price:  $29.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2014

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