Mastering Modular JavaScript

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Price$22.49 - $40.73
AuthorNicolas Bevacqua
PublisherO'Reilly Media
FormatPaper book / ebook (PDF)
EBook Hardcover Paperback

If you have a working knowledge of JavaScript and ECMAScript 6 (ES6), this practical guide will help you tackle modular programming to produce code that's readable, maintainable, and scalable. You'll learn the fundamentals of modular architecture with JavaScript and the benefits of writing self-contained code at every system level, including the client and server.

Nicolas Bevacqua, author of Practical Modern JavaScript, demonstrates how to scale out JavaScript applications by breaking codebases into smaller modules. By following the design practices in this book, senior developers, technical leaders, and software architects will learn how to create modules that are simple and flexible while keeping internal complexity in check.

Learn modular design essentials, including how your application will be consumed and what belongs on the interface; Design module internals to keep your code readable and its intent clear; Reduce complexity by refactoring code and containing and eliminating state; Take advantage of modern JavaScript features to write clear programs and reduce complexity; Apply Twelve-Factor App principles to frontend and backend JavaScript application development.

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