Learning Cocoa with Objective-C, 2nd Edition
by Apple Computer Inc, James Duncan Davidson
Learning Cocoa with Objective-C is the "must-have" book for people who want to develop applications for Mac OS X, and is the only book approved and reviewed by Apple engineers. Based on the Jaguar release of Mac OS X 10.2, this edition of Learning Cocoa includes examples that use the Address Book and Universal Access APIs. Also included is a handy quick reference card, charting Cocoa'...
Price: $3.50 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2002
Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET
by Dino Esposito
XML is everywhere in the Microsoft .NET Framework, from Remoting to Web services and from data access to configuration. Learn about the extensive XML core classes in .NET and find out how to program against its parser in this in-depth guide - written by a popular programming author and consultant on cutting-edge technologies such as Microsoft ASP.NET and Microsoft ADO.NET. You'll find authoritative exp...
Price: $18.23 | Publisher: Microsoft Press | Release: 2002
Programming Web Services with SOAP
by James Snell, Doug Tidwell, Pavel Kulchenko
The web services architecture provides a new way to think about and implement application-to-application integration and interoperability that makes the development platform irrelevant. Two applications, regardless of operating system, programming language, or any other technical implementation detail, communicate using XML messages over open Internet protocols such as HTTP or SMTP. The Simple Open Access P...
Price: $17.45 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2001
Managing NFS and NIS, 2nd Edition
by Mike Eisler, Ricardo Labiaga, Hal Stern
A modern computer system that's not part of a network is even more of an anomaly today than it was when we published the first edition of this book in 1991. But however widespread networks have become, managing a network and getting it to perform well can still be a problem.Managing NFS and NIS, in a new edition based on Solaris 8, is a guide to two tools that are absolutely essential to distributed co...
Price: $39.35 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2001
by Steven Feuerstein, Charles Dye, John Beresniewicz
Oracle's built-in packages dramatically extend the power of the PL/SQL language, but few developers know how to use them effectively. This book is a complete reference to all of the built-ins, including those new to Oracle8. the enclosed diskette includes an online tool that provides easy access to the many files of source code and documentation developed by the authors....
Price: $4.38 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 1998