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Head First EJB

Head First EJB

by Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

With Head First EJB, you'll learn not just what the technology is, but more importantly, why it is, and what it is and isn't good for. You'll learn tricks and tips for EJB development, along with tricks and tips for passing this latest, very challenging Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) exam. You'll learn how to think like a server. You'll learn how to think like a ...

Price:  $4.39  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2003

Modeling the Internet and the Web

Modeling the Internet and the Web

by Pierre Baldi, Paolo Frasconi, Padhraic Smyth

Modeling the Internet and the Web covers the most important aspects of modeling the Web using a modern mathematical and probabilistic treatment. It focuses on the information and application layers, as well as some of the emerging properties of the Internet.Interdisciplinary in nature, Modeling the Internet and the Web will be of interest to students and researchers from a variety of disciplines including c...

Price:  $6.98  |  Publisher:  Wiley  |  Release:  2003

XML Programming Bible

XML Programming Bible

by Brian Benz, John Durant

Covers all the most recent XML core and related specifications including XML 1.1, J2EE 1.4, Microsoft .NET's latest iteration, as well as open source XML items from the Apache project. Strong coverage of XML use with databases, transactions, and XML security. Discusses both Microsoft (.NET) and Sun (Java) programming integration with XML, an approach not taken in any other book. Presents extensive busi...

Price:  $1.00  |  Publisher:  Wiley  |  Release:  2003

Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 Bible

Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 Bible

by James McGovern, Rahim Adatia, Yakov Fain, Jason Gordon, Ethan Henry, Walter Hurst, Ashish Jain, Mark Little, Vaidyanathan Nagarajan, Harshad Oak, Lee Anne Phillips

Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is the specification that all enterprise Java developers need to build multi-tier applications, and also the basis for BEA's WebLogic Application Server and IBM's WebSphere. Revised to be current with the significant J2EE 1.4 update that will drive substantial developer interest. Written by a top-selling team of eleven experts who provide unique and substantial bus...

Price:  $26.13  |  Publisher:  Wiley  |  Release:  2003

Ethernet: The Definitive Guide

Ethernet: The Definitive Guide

by Charles Spurgeon

Ethernet is a core networking technology used by every high tech business. While the basic protocols have changed little, new options such as Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet have increased the complexity of the topic.Ethernet has been the flavor of choice for networking administrators since the early 1980s because of its ease of use and scalability. Written by one of the foremost experts on Ethernet stan...

Price:  $3.98  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2000

Pages: ←Previous | 1 ... 97, 98, 99

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