CSS Books

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Learning Bulma

Learning Bulma

by Aravind Shenoy

Learn to use Bulma in your HTML file by applying easy-to-understand practical examples to create responsive and mobile-first websites.Featuring a step-by-step approach, this book encourages you to modify its code examples and review the changes produced in the output, to thereby reveal the subtle nuances of this awesome utility. Bulma is an impressive, modern framework utility that allows the easy construc...

Price:  $25.16  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2020

Practical Highcharts with Angular

Practical Highcharts with Angular

by Sourabh Mishra

Learn to create stunning animated and interactive charts using Highcharts and Angular. Use and build on your existing knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop impressive dashboards that will work in all modern browsers.You will learn how to use Highcharts, call backend services for data, and easily construct real-time data dashboards. You'll also learn how you can club your code with jQuery an...

Price:  $16.19  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2020

SAS Stored Processes

SAS Stored Processes

by Philip Mason

Customize the SAS Stored Process web application to create amazing tools for end users. This book shows you how to use stored processes - SAS programs stored on a server and executed as required by requesting applications.Never before have there been so many ways to turn data into information and build applications with SAS. This book teaches you how to use the web technologies that you frequently see used ...

Price:  $39.99  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2020

Build Websites with Hugo

Build Websites with Hugo

by Brian P. Hogan

Database-driven sites bring complexity you might not need, but building a site by hand is too much work. Hugo is a static site generator and web development framework that creates content sites quickly without the overhead or dependencies of a dyanmic web framework. With Hugo, you use HTML templates and Markdown to build static sites you can host anywhere, letting you use the skills you already have.Develop...

Price:  $26.95  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2020

How To Build a Website with HTML

FREE EBOOK - How To Build a Website with HTML

by Erin Glass

If you are interested in learning how to build and design websites, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a great place to start. This project-based tutorial series will introduce you to HTML and its methods by building a personal website using our demonstration site (below) as a model. Once you learn the basics, you will know how change the website's design and add personalized content. No prior coding...

Publisher:  DigitalOcean  |  Release:  2020

CSS Animation 101

FREE EBOOK - CSS Animation 101

by Donovan Hutchinson

This book is for people who build for the web and want to add animation to their designs and sites. A bit of basic CSS knowledge is needed but I won't assume any knowledge of transitions or animations. We'll start with the basics, and through a mix of theory and practical examples, learn all about transitions and animation....

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

The CSS Handbook

FREE EBOOK - The CSS Handbook

by Flavio Copes

CSS, a shorthand for Cascading Style Sheets, is one of the main building blocks of the Web. Its history goes back to the 90's and along with HTML it has changed a lot since its humble beginnings.This handbook is aimed at a vast audience.- First, the beginner. I explain CSS from zero in a succinct but comprehensive way, so you can use this book to learn CSS from the basics.- Then, the professional. CSS ...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

CSS Notes for Professionals

FREE EBOOK - CSS Notes for Professionals

by Stack Overflow Community

The CSS Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

CSS3 Quick Syntax Reference, 2nd Edition

CSS3 Quick Syntax Reference, 2nd Edition

by Mikael Olsson

The CSS3 Quick Syntax Reference is a 150-page syntax reference to the Cascading Style Sheets language. It presents the essentials of CSS3 in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won't find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn-out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a CSS reference that is concise, to the point, and highly accessible...

Price:  $28.23  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2019

Web Design Playground

Web Design Playground

by Paul McFedries

What makes a website pop, stand out, and feel great to browse? The answer is HTML, CSS, and a little bit of an artistic eye! Without HTML and CSS, every website would just be a few lines of text on a single white page. Even a little understanding of HTML and CSS can help you create web pages that look great and stand out from the crowd, so why wait? Pick up the skills you need to make something awesome toda...

Price:  $25.92  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2019

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