Database Books

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vCenter Troubleshooting

vCenter Troubleshooting

by Chuck Mills

vCenter is the main component of vSphere and also the primary interface that administrators use to set up, manage, and monitor the vSphere environment.This book will show you how to solve some common problems you face with vCenter. We will cover troubleshooting of vCenter areas such as SQL databases, single sign-on (SSO), password issues, monitoring, storage and configuration, and operations management. We ...

Price:  $29.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

Neo4j Essentials

Neo4j Essentials

by Sumit Gupta

With a rise in the popularity of NoSQL databases, Neo4j provides a viable alternative for storage, processing, and querying highly connected data natively in the form of graphs. It saves you the trouble of tabular data formats and join operations while providing a fast querying language called Cypher, which is declarative and works on the principle of pattern matching. It is an open source database and has ...

Price:  $29.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

PostgreSQL Cookbook

PostgreSQL Cookbook

by Chitij Chauhan

PostgreSQL is an open source database management system. It is used for a wide variety of development practices such as software and web design, as well as for handling large datasets (big data).With the goal of teaching you the skills to master PostgreSQL, the book begins by giving you a glimpse of the unique features of PostgreSQL and how to utilize them to solve real-world problems. With the aid of pract...

Price:  $21.00  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

PostgreSQL Server Programming, 2nd Edition

PostgreSQL Server Programming, 2nd Edition

by Usama Dar, Hannu Krosing, Jim Mlodgenski, Kirk Roybal

This book will show you that PostgreSQL is so much more than a database server. In fact, it could even be seen as an application development framework, with the added bonuses of transaction support, massive data storage, journaling, recovery, and a host of other features that the PostgreSQL engine provides.You will get to grips with creating libraries of useful code, grouping them into even more useful comp...

Price:  $49.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

Learning Flask Framework

Learning Flask Framework

by Matt Copperwaite, Charles Leifer

Flask is a small and powerful web development framework for Python. It does not presume or force a developer to use a particular tool or library. Flask supports extensions that can add application features as if they were implemented in Flask itself. Flask's main task is to build web applications quickly and with less code. With its lightweight and efficient web development framework, Flask combines ra...

Price:  $44.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j

Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j

by Sumit Gupta

Py2neo is a simple and pragmatic Python library that provides access to the popular graph database Neo4j via its RESTful web service interface. This brings with it a heavily refactored core, a cleaner API, better performance, and some new idioms.You will begin with licensing and installing Neo4j, learning the fundamentals of Cypher as a graph query language, and exploring Cypher optimizations. You will disc...

Price:  $34.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

Learning Django Web Development

Learning Django Web Development

by Sanjeev Jaiswal, Ratan Kumar

Django, written in Python, is a web application framework designed to build complex web applications quickly without any hassle. It loosely follows the MVC pattern and adheres to the Don't Repeat Yourself principle, which makes a database-driven application efficient and highly scalable, and is by far the most popular and mature Python web framework.This book is a manual that will help you build a simp...

Price:  $44.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

Mastering Entity Framework

Mastering Entity Framework

by Rahul Rajat Singh

Data access is an integral part of any software application. Entity Framework provides a model-based system that makes data access effortless for developers by freeing you from writing similar data access code for all of your domain models.Mastering Entity Framework provides you with a range of options when developing a data-oriented application. You'll get started by managing the database relationship...

Price:  $42.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

Cross-platform UI Development with Xamarin.Forms

Cross-platform UI Development with Xamarin.Forms

by Paul F. Johnson

Xamarin is an IDE used for the development of native iOS, Android, and Windows, and cross-platform mobile applications in C#. For the mobile developer, that means learning three different languages to create the same application. Even if you use the Xamarin toolchain, you still need to work with three different user interface construction sets. Xamarin is essentially a container in which developers can writ...

Price:  $29.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

Testing with F#

Testing with F#

by Mikael Lundin

Starting with an introduction to the concepts behind test automation, you will learn how to set up your test environment for unit testing and how to execute your test suite within and outside of Visual Studio. Using different test frameworks as MSTest, NUnit, and xUnit, you will learn how to write tests in isolation, create test doubles with Foq, and write expressive assertions with FsUnit.You will learn te...

Price:  $44.41  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2015

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