Design Books

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Rx.NET in Action

Rx.NET in Action

by Tamir Dresher

Modern applications must react to streams of data such as user and system events, internal messages, and sensor input. Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a .NET library containing more than 600 operators that you can compose together to build reactive client- and server-side applications to handle events asynchronously in a way that maximizes responsiveness, resiliency, and elasticity.Rx.NET in Action teaches deve...

Price:  $40.64  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

The Tao of Microservices

The Tao of Microservices

by Richard Rodger

An application, even a complex one, can be designed as a system of independent components, each of which handles a single responsibility. Individual microservices are easy for small teams without extensive knowledge of the entire system design to build and maintain. Microservice applications rely on modern patterns like asynchronous, message-based communication, and they can be optimized to work well in clo...

Price:  $41.05  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Microservices in .NET Core

Microservices in .NET Core

by Christian Horsdal Gammelgaard

Microservices in .NET Core provides a complete guide to building microservice applications. After a crystal-clear introduction to the microservices architectural style, the book will teach you practical development skills in that style, using OWIN and Nancy.Microservice applications are built by connecting single-capability, autonomous components that communicate via APIs. These systems can be challenging t...

Price:  $38.69  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Learn Cisco Network Administration in a Month of Lunches

Learn Cisco Network Administration in a Month of Lunches

by Ben Piper

Cisco's ultrareliable routers and switches are the backbone of millions of networks, but "set and forget" is not an acceptable attitude. Fortunately, you don't have to be an old-time administrator to set up and maintain a Cisco-based network. With a handful of techniques, a little practice, and this book, you can keep your system in top shape.Learn Cisco Network Administration in a Month...

Price:  $39.99  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Kubernetes in Action

Kubernetes in Action

by Marko Luksa

Kubernetes is Greek for "helmsman," your guide through unknown waters. The Kubernetes container orchestration system safely manages the structure and flow of a distributed application, organizing containers and services for maximum efficiency. Kubernetes serves as an operating system for your clusters, eliminating the need to factor the underlying network and server infrastructure into your design...

Price:  $20.93  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

CoreOS in Action

CoreOS in Action

by Matt Bailey

Traditional Linux server distributions include every component required for anything you might be hosting, most of which you don't need if you've containerized your apps and services. CoreOS Container Linux is a bare-bones distro with only the essential bits needed to run containers like Docker. Container Linux is a fast, secure base layer for any container-centric distributed application, includi...

Price:  $13.49  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Spring Microservices in Action

Spring Microservices in Action

by John Carnell

Microservices break up your code into small, distributed, and independent services that require careful forethought and design. Fortunately, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud simplify your microservice applications, just as the Spring Framework simplifies enterprise Java development. Spring Boot removes the boilerplate code involved with writing a REST-based service. Spring Cloud provides a suite of tools for th...

Price:  $41.15  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Writing Great Specifications

Writing Great Specifications

by Kamil Nicieja

The clearest way to communicate a software specification is to provide examples of how it should work. Turning these story-based descriptions into a well-organized dev plan is another matter. Gherkin is a human-friendly, jargon-free language for documenting a suite of examples as an executable specification. It fosters efficient collaboration between business and dev teams, and it's an excellent founda...

Price:  $32.58  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Hello Scratch!

Hello Scratch!

by Gabriel Ford, Sadie Ford, Melissa Ford

Can 8-year-olds write computer programs? You bet they can! In Scratch, young coders use colorful blocks and a rich graphical environment to create programs. They can easily explore ideas like input and output, looping, branching, and conditionals. Scratch is a kid-friendly language created by MIT that is a safe and fun way to begin thinking like a programmer, without the complexity of a traditional programm...

Price:  $19.50  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Understanding API Security

FREE EBOOK - Understanding API Security

by Justin Richer, Antonio Sanso

Gone are the days when it was acceptable for a piece of software to live in its own little silo, disconnected from the outside world. Today, services are expected to be available for programming, mixing, and building into new applications. The web-based Application Programming Interface, or API, is how services make themselves available in this dynamic world. By exposing an API, a service can find new life ...

Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

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