Framework Books

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Laravel: Up and Running

Laravel: Up and Running

by Matt Stauffer

What sets Laravel apart from other PHP web frameworks? Speed and simplicity, for starters. This rapid application development framework and its vast ecosystem of tools let you quickly build new sites and applications with clean, readable code. With this practical guide, Matt Stauffer - a leading teacher and developer in the Laravel community - provides the definitive introduction to one of today's most...

Price:  $18.39  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

Mastering Yii

Mastering Yii

by Charles R. Portwood II

The successor of Yii Framework 1.1, Yii2 is a complete rewrite of Yii Framework, one of the most popular PHP 5 frameworks for making modern web applications. The update embraces the best practices and protocols established with newer versions of PHP, while still maintaining the simple, fast, and extendable behavior found in its predecessor.This book has been written to enhance your skills and knowledge with...

Price:  $49.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2016

Apple Watch App Development

Apple Watch App Development

by Steven F. Daniel

Wearable are the next wave of mobile technology and with the release of Apple's WatchKit SDK, a whole new world of exciting development possibilities has opened up.Apple Watch App Development introduces you to the architecture and possibilities of the Apple Watch platform, as well as an in-depth look at how to work with Xcode playgrounds. Benefit from a rapid introduction to the Swift programming langu...

Price:  $39.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2016

Web Development with Django Cookbook, 2nd Edition

Web Development with Django Cookbook, 2nd Edition

by Aidas Bendoraitis

Django is a web framework that was designed to strike a balance between rapid web development and high performance. It has the capacity to handle applications with high levels of user traffic and interaction, and can integrate with massive databases on the backend, constantly collecting and processing data in real time.Through this book, you'll discover that collecting data from different sources and p...

Price:  $49.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2016

Java-Based Real-Time Programming

FREE EBOOK - Java-Based Real-Time Programming

by Klas Nilsson

Development of embedded software has for some years mainly been carried out by hardware-aware programming using the C-language, and in some cases even in assembly languages. This works well in simple cases when the application demands and the hardware are known at design time, and the size of the (statically defined) software is small. When applications increase in size and must be rapidly developed (time t...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2016

Spring Data Programming Cookbook

FREE EBOOK - Spring Data Programming Cookbook

by JCGs

Spring Data's mission is to provide a familiar and consistent, Spring-based programming model for data access while still retaining the special traits of the underlying data store.It makes it easy to use data access technologies, relational and non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud-based data services. This is an umbrella project which contains many subprojects that are specific to...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2016

Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015

Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015

by William Penberthy

Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015 is your ultimate guide to the latest upgrade of this historically popular framework. Fully updated to align with the vNext release, this new edition walks you through the new tools and features that make your workflow smoother and your applications stronger. You'll get up to speed on the productivity and performance improvements, and learn how Microsoft has comm...

Price:  $28.61  |  Publisher:  Wrox  |  Release:  2016

Professional Hadoop

Professional Hadoop

by Benoy Antony, Konstantin Boudnik, Cheryl Adams, Branky Shao, Cazen Lee, Kai Sasaki

Professional Hadoop is the complete reference and resource for experienced developers looking to employ Apache Hadoop in real-world settings. Written by an expert team of certified Hadoop developers, committers, and Summit speakers, this book details every key aspect of Hadoop technology to enable optimal processing of large data sets. Designed expressly for the professional developer, this book skips over ...

Price:  $34.32  |  Publisher:  Wrox  |  Release:  2016

Hacking Exposed Industrial Control Systems

Hacking Exposed Industrial Control Systems

by Clint Bodungen, Bryan Singer, Aaron Shbeeb, Kyle Wilhoit, Stephen Hilt

This hands-on guide exposes the devious methods cyber threat actors use to compromise the hardware and software central to petroleum pipelines, electrical grids, and nuclear refineries. Hacking Exposed Industrial Control Systems: ICS and SCADA Security Secrets and Solutions shows, step-by-step, how to implement and maintain an ICS-focused risk mitigation framework that is targeted, efficient, and cost-effec...

Price:  $35.87  |  Publisher:  McGraw-Hill  |  Release:  2016

Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP

Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP

by Francesco Cesarini, Steve Vinoski

If you need to build a scalable, fault tolerant system with requirements for high availability, discover why the Erlang/OTP platform stands out for the breadth, depth, and consistency of its features. This hands-on guide demonstrates how to use the Erlang programming language and its OTP framework of reusable libraries, tools, and design principles to develop complex commercial-grade systems that simply can...

Price:  $26.50  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

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