Learning NServiceBus, 2nd Edition
by David Boike
Building complex software systems is hard, but it doesn't have to be! NServiceBus is a powerful, yet lightweight, open source messaging framework used to design distributed .NET enterprise systems. Entirely pluggable, yet simple to use, it can help you apply the principles of messaging and SOA to build robust, scalable, and maintainable systems.This book is an essential guide that will help you become ...
Price: $29.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
by Joel Perras
Flask is a small but powerful web development framework for Python. Though Flask is termed a micro-framework, it is no way lacking in functionality; there are many extensions available to Flask which helps it to function at the same level as other large frameworks such as Django and Ruby on Rails.This book will demonstrate how to develop a series of web application projects with the Python web micro-framewo...
Price: $44.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook
by Alex Gonzalez
The embedded Linux world is standardizing around Yocto Project as the best integration framework to create reliable embedded Linux products. Yocto Project effectively shortens the time it takes to develop and maintain an embedded Linux product, and it increases its reliability and robustness by using proven and tested components. This book begins with the installation of a professional embedded Yocto setup,...
Price: $49.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
Ext JS Application Development Blueprints
by Colin Ramsay
Ext JS is a pure JavaScript application framework for building interactive web applications. It delivers the most advanced charting and graphing capabilities of any JavaScript framework without relying on plugins, thus delivering pixel-perfect visuals on any browser on any operating system.Ext JS Application Development Blueprints discusses ideas and tools such as MVVM, Sencha Cmd, testing, and debugging. A...
Price: $44.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Reporting Cookbook
by Deepak Agarwal, Chhavi Aggarwal, Kamalakannan Elangovan
Dynamics AX 2012 is a modern ERP solution from Microsoft that is targeted at mid- and high-level organizations. Reports play a very central role in an ERP system, being accessible to customers, vendors, top management, and the shop floor. Every ERP implementation includes reporting changes as companies try to refit the reports to their processes.Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Reporting Cookbook focuses mainl...
Price: $59.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
Ember.js Web Development with Ember CLI
by Suchit Puri
Ember.js is a JavaScript framework based on the Model View Controller design pattern. It brings proven design principles and practices to modern web-based application development and helps you focus on solving your core business problem.Ember.js Web Development with Ember CLI is for the next generation of web developers who want to build powerful single-page web applications using the simplicity of Ember CL...
Price: $25.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
by Fernando Monteiro
AngularJS directives are at the center of what makes it such an exciting - and important - web development framework. With directives, you can take greater control over HTML elements on your web pages - they 'direct' Angular's HTML compiler to behave in the way you want it to. It makes building modern web applications a much more expressive experience, and allows you to focus more closely on ...
Price: $39.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
Building Web Applications with Flask
by Italo Maia
Flask is a powerful web framework that helps you build great projects using your favorite tools. Flask takes the flexible Python programming language and provides a simple template for web development. Once imported into Python, Flask can be used to save time building web applications. It goes against the flow with the microframework concept, leaving most of the architecture choices to the developer. Throug...
Price: $34.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
by Arun Manivannan
This book will introduce you to the most popular Scala tools, libraries, and frameworks through practical recipes around loading, manipulating, and preparing your data. It will also help you explore and make sense of your data using stunning and insightfulvisualizations, and machine learning toolkits.Starting with introductory recipes on utilizing the Breeze and Spark libraries, get to grips withhow to impo...
Price: $44.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015
by Jorge Ferrando
KnockoutJS is a Model View ViewModel (MVVM) framework that allows you to simplify the design of complex user. Knockout makes data manipulation simple and leads to maintainable web applications.KnockoutJS Essentials gives you an insight into the best practices when designing and building MVVM web applications using the KnockoutJS framework. Packed with real-world tasks, this book starts with an introduction ...
Price: $39.99 | Publisher: Packt Publishing | Release: 2015