IDE Books

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Beginning Hibernate, 2nd Edition

Beginning Hibernate, 2nd Edition

by Jeff Linwood, Dave Minter

Beginning Hibernate, Second Edition is ideal if you're experienced in Java with databases (the traditional, or connected, approach), but new to open-source, lightweight Hibernate - the de facto object-relational mapping and database-oriented application development framework.This book packs in information about the release of the Hibernate 3.5 persistence layer and provides a clear introduction to the ...

Price:  $34.99  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2010

Oracle PL/SQL Recipes

Oracle PL/SQL Recipes

by Josh Juneau, Matt Arena

Oracle PL/SQL Recipes is your go to book for PL/SQL programming solutions. It takes a task-oriented approach to PL/SQL programming that lets you quickly look up a specific task and see the pattern for a solution. Then it's as simple as modifying the pattern for your specific application and implementing it. And you're done and home for dinner.Oracle PL/SQL Recipes is another in Apress' ongoin...

Price:  $39.36  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2010

Windows Phone 7 Game Development

Windows Phone 7 Game Development

by Adam Dawes

Windows Phone 7 is a powerful mobile computing platform with huge potential for gaming. With "instant on" capabilities, the promise of gaming on the move is a reality with these devices. The platform is an ideal environment for .NET developers looking to create fun, sophisticated games.Windows Phone 7 Game Development gives you everything you need to maximize your creativity and produce fa...

Price:  $28.14  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2010

Adobe ColdFusion Anthology

Adobe ColdFusion Anthology

by Michael Dinowitz, Judith Dinowitz

Adobe ColdFusion remains one of today's significant Web services tools and frameworks, and stands to become even more important as a possible primary tool for cloud development as well. As important as ColdFusion is and continues to become, we thought it would be a good idea to tap the leading authority on ColdFusion, the Fusion Authority. We asked this community to compile the most important issues in...

Price:  $11.23  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2010

Getting Started with Processing

Getting Started with Processing

by Casey Reas, Ben Fry

Learn computer programming the easy way with Processing, a simple language that lets you use code to create drawings, animation, and interactive graphics. Programming courses usually start with theory, but this book lets you jump right into creative and fun projects. It's ideal for anyone who wants to learn basic programming, and serves as a simple introduction to graphics for people with some programm...

Price:  $10.00  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2010



by Josh Clark

So you've got an idea for an iPhone app -- along with everyone else on the planet. Set your app apart with elegant design, efficient usability, and a healthy dollop of personality. Tapworthy takes you from concept to polished interface design with plain-spoken principles and a rich collection of visual examples for designing exceptional interfaces for the iPhone and iPod Touch....

Price:  $4.69  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2010

Learning ActionScript 3.0, 2nd Edition

Learning ActionScript 3.0, 2nd Edition

by Rich Shupe, Zevan Rosser

If you're new to ActionScript 3.0, or want to enhance your skill set, this bestselling book is the ideal guide. Designers, developers, and programmers alike will find Learning ActionScript 3.0 invaluable for navigating ActionScript 3.0's learning curve. You'll learn the language by getting a clear look at essential topics such as logic, event handling, displaying content, classes, and much mo...

Price:  $3.69  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2010

C# 4.0 Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition

C# 4.0 Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition

by Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari

When you're programming C# 4.0 and need a little help, this tightly focused and practical book tells you exactly what you need to know - without long introductions or bloated examples. It's ideal as a succinct quick reference or as a guide to get you rapidly up to speed if you already know Java, C++, or an earlier version of C#. Written by the authors of the acclaimed C# 4.0 in a Nutshell, this bo...

Price:  $6.90  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2010

SQL Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition

SQL Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition

by Jonathan Gennick

If you're a programmer or database administrator who uses SQL in your day-to-day work, this popular pocket guide is the ideal on-the-job reference. It uses numerous examples to address the language's complexity, and covers key aspects of SQL used in Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. That includes the syntax for querying, managing transactions, and making changes to data, as well as S...

Price:  $6.47  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2010

Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery

Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery

by Jack Moffitt

XMPP is a robust protocol used for a wide range of applications, including instant messaging, multi-user chat, voice and video conferencing, collaborative spaces, real-time gaming, data synchronization, and search. This book teaches you how to harness the power of XMPP in your own apps and presents you with all the tools you need to build the next generation of apps using XMPP or add new features to your cu...

Publisher:  Wrox  |  Release:  2010

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