In Action Books

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EJB 3 in Action, 2nd Edition

EJB 3 in Action, 2nd Edition

by Debu Panda, Reza Rahman, Ryan Cuprak, Michael Remijan

The EJB 3 framework provides a standard way to capture business logic in manageable server-side modules, making it easier to write, maintain, and extend Java EE applications. EJB 3.2 provides more enhancements and intelligent defaults and integrates more fully with other Java technologies, such as CDI, to make development even easier.EJB 3 in Action, Second Edition is a fast-paced tutorial for Java EE busin...

Price:  $15.15  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2014

Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, 4th Edition

Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, 4th Edition

by Mike Shema

Fully revised to include cutting-edge new tools for your security arsenal, Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Fourth Edition reveals how to protect your network from a wide range of nefarious exploits. You'll get detailed explanations of each tool's function along with best practices for configuration and implementation illustrated by code samples and up-to-date, real-world case studies. This new edition inclu...

Price:  $32.99  |  Publisher:  McGraw-Hill  |  Release:  2014

Startup Mixology

Startup Mixology

by Frank Gruber

Entrepreneurship starts with an idea and a dream: a dream of a better world for others, and a life less ordinary for yourself. These days, more people than ever are full of world-changing ideas and, thanks to technology, have the means to bring them to life. But many ideas remain just ideas, and many dreams just dreams.Startup Mixology is first and foremost a book about turning your ideas into action. From ...

Price:  $5.88  |  Publisher:  Wiley  |  Release:  2014

jQuery 2 Recipes

jQuery 2 Recipes

by Arun K. Pande

jQuery is often referred to as the 'write less, do more' JavaScript library. It allows a few clear lines of elegant, well-tested, code to replace many pages of complex hand-coded script, speeding development times and providing substantial cost savings.You will find jQuery 2 Recipes' problem-solution approach to be an excellent value and a feature-packed resource as you begin to include jQuer...

Price:  $49.99  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2014

Just Hibernate

Just Hibernate

by Madhusudhan Konda

If you're looking for a short, sweet, and simple introduction (or reintroduction) to Hibernate, this is the book you want. Through clear real-world examples, you'll learn Hibernate and object-relational mapping from the ground up, starting with the basics. Then you'll dive into the framework's moving parts to understand how they work in action.Storing Java objects in relational databases...

Price:  $18.46  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2014

Enterprise OSGi in Action

Enterprise OSGi in Action

by Holly Cummins, Timothy Ward

Enterprise OSGi is a set of standards for building modular Java applications which integrate seamlessly with existing Java EE technologies. It extends the OSGi component framework to distributed systems.Enterprise OSGi in Action is a hands-on guide for developers using OSGi to build enterprise Java applications. Many examples and case studies show you how to build, test, and deploy modular web applications....

Price:  $66.04  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2013

Sass and Compass in Action

Sass and Compass in Action

by Wynn Netherland, Nathan Weizenbaum, Chris Eppstein, Brandon Mathis

For 15 years, we've been using CSS to patiently paint the web by hand. No more! Sass and Compass add scripting and a library of components to standard CSS so you can simplify stylesheet authoring, automate tedious tasks, and add dynamic styling features to your pages. Think of Sass and Compass as power tools that allow you to paint with remarkable speed and precision.Sass and Compass in Action is a han...

Price:  $6.50  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2013

Arduino in Action

Arduino in Action

by Martin Evans, Joshua Noble, Jordan Hochenbaum

Arduino in Action is a hands-on guide to prototyping and building DIY electronics. You'll start with the basics - unpacking your board and using a simple program to make something happen. Then, you'll attempt progressively more complex projects as you connect Arduino to motors, LCD displays, Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth. You'll explore input/output sensors, including ultrasound, infrared, and li...

Price:  $19.62  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2013

Sencha Touch in Action

Sencha Touch in Action

by Jesus Garcia, Anthony De Moss, Mitchell Simoens

The Sencha Touch framework makes it easy to build cross-platform mobile apps using HTML5 and JavaScript. It offers numerous features that mimic native mobile APIs and an MVC architecture that feels right at home for application developers. So you get the power and richness of native apps and the convenience of standard web tools.Sencha Touch in Action is a complete guide for developers of native-quality mob...

Price:  $25.95  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2013

Node.js in Action

Node.js in Action

by Mike Cantelon, Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk, Nathan Rajlich

JavaScript on the server? You bet. Node.js is a JavaScript server capable of supporting scalable, high-performance web applications. Using asynchronous I/O, the server can do more than one thing at a time, a key requirement for real-time apps like chat, games, and live statistics. And since it's JavaScript, you use the same language end to end.Node.js in Action shows you how to build production-quality...

Price:  $5.78  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2013

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