Java Books

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Angular in Action

Angular in Action

by Jeremy Wilken

Angular in Action teaches you everything you need to build production-ready Angular applications.Thoroughly practical and packed with tricks and tips, this hands-on tutorial is perfect for web devs ready to build web applications that can handle whatever you throw at them.Angular makes it easy to deliver amazing web apps. This powerful JavaScript platform provides the tooling to man- age your project, libra...

Price:  $37.10  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2018

Machine Learning Systems

Machine Learning Systems

by Jeff Smith

If you're building machine learning models to be used on a small scale, you don't need this book. But if you're a developer building a production-grade ML application that needs quick response times, reliability, and good user experience, this is the book for you. It collects principles and practices of machine learning systems that are dramatically easier to run and maintain, and that are re...

Price:  $34.68  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2018

Electron in Action

Electron in Action

by Steve Kinney

Electron in Action guides you, step-by-step, as you learn to build cross-platform desktop applications that run on Windows, OSX, and Linux. By the end of the book, you'll be ready to build simple, snappy applications using JavaScript, Node, and the Electron framework.Wouldn't it be great to build desktop applications using just your web dev skills? Electron is a framework designed for exactly that...

Price:  $35.99  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2018

Vue.js in Action

Vue.js in Action

by Erik Hanchett, Benjamin Listwon

Web pages are rich with data and graphics, and it's challenging to maintain a smooth and quick user experience. Vue.js in Action teaches you how to build a fast, flowing web UI with the Vue.js framework. As you move through the book, you'll put your skills to practice by building a complete web store application with product listings, a checkout process, and an administrative interface.Vue.js is a...

Price:  $24.26  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2018

Aurelia in Action

Aurelia in Action

by Sean Hunter

Try Aurelia, and you may not go back to your old web framework. Flexible and efficient, Aurelia enforces modern design practices and a modular architecture based on web components. It's perfect for hybrid web + mobile apps, with hot features like dynamic routes, pluggable pipelines, and APIs for nearly every flavor of JavaScript.Aurelia in Action teaches you how to build extraordinary web applications ...

Price:  $41.18  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2018

Spring in Action, 5th Edition

Spring in Action, 5th Edition

by Craig Walls

Spring in Action, 5th Edition is the fully updated revision of Manning's bestselling Spring in Action. This new edition includes all Spring 5.0 updates, along with new examples on reactive programming, Spring WebFlux, and microservices. You'll also find the latest Spring best practices, including Spring Boot for application setup and configuration.Spring Framework makes life easier for Java develo...

Price:  $38.99  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2018

Angular Development with Typescript, 2nd Edition

Angular Development with Typescript, 2nd Edition

by Yakov Fain, Anton Moiseev

Angular Development with TypeScript, 2nd Edition is an intermediate-level tutorial that introduces Angular and TypeScript to developers comfortable with building web applications using other frameworks and tools.Whether you're building lightweight web clients or full-featured SPAs, Angular is a clear choice. The Angular framework is fast, efficient, and widely adopted. Add the benefits of developing in...

Price:  $39.99  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2018

Programming Clojure, 3rd Edition

Programming Clojure, 3rd Edition

by Alex Miller, Stuart Halloway, Aaron Bedra

Clojure joins the flexibility and agility of Lisp with the reach, stability, and performance of Java. Combine Clojure's tools for maximum effectiveness as you work with immutable data, functional programming, and safe concurrency to write programs that solve real-world problems.Start by reading and understanding Clojure syntax and see how Clojure is evaluated. From there, find out about the sequence ab...

Price:  $39.99  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

Rails 5 Test Prescriptions

Rails 5 Test Prescriptions

by Noel Rappin

Your Ruby on Rails application is sick. Deadlines are looming, but every time you make the slightest change to the code, something else breaks. Nobody remembers what that tricky piece of code was supposed to do, and nobody can tell what it actually does. Plus, it has bugs. You need test-driven development: a process for improving the design, maintainability, and long-term viability of software.With both pra...

Price:  $40.54  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

Build Reactive Websites with RxJS

Build Reactive Websites with RxJS

by Randall Koutnik

Upgrade your skill set, succeed at work, and above all, avoid the many headaches that come with modern front-end development. Simplify your codebase with hands-on examples pulled from real-life applications. Master the mysteries of asynchronous state management, detangle puzzling race conditions, and send spaceships soaring through the cosmos. When you finish this book, you'll be able to tame the wild ...

Price:  $28.98  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

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