JavaScript Books

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Front-end Developer Handbook

FREE EBOOK - Front-end Developer Handbook

by Cody Lindley

This is a guide that everyone can use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing.It is specifically written with the intention of being a professional resource for potential and currently practicing front-end developers to equip themselves with learning materials and de...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

D3 Tips and Tricks v3.x

FREE EBOOK - D3 Tips and Tricks v3.x

by Malcolm Maclean

D3 Tips and Tricks is a book written to help those who may be unfamiliar with JavaScript or web page creation get started turning information into visualization.Data is the new medium of choice for telling a story or presenting compelling information on the Internet and d3.js is an extraordinary framework for presentation of data on a web page.Over 600 pages of tips and tricks for using d3.js, one of the le...

Publisher:  Leanpub  |  Release:  2019

React Succinctly

FREE EBOOK - React Succinctly

by Samer Buna

React is one of the most popular JavaScript UI libraries in use today, providing a simple approach to creating stateful UI components that can be combined to create a complete web app. In React Succinctly by Samer Buna, you'll learn the fundamental concepts of the React library, how the library fits in with modern JavaScript, and how to apply what you learn to create a simple interactive memory game. B...

Publisher:  Syncfusion  |  Release:  2019

Learning Vue.js

FREE EBOOK - Learning Vue.js

by Stack Overflow Community

Vue.js is an open-source MVVM (model-view-viewmodel) front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications.It is an unofficial and free Vue.js ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

The Svelte Handbook

FREE EBOOK - The Svelte Handbook

by Flavio Copes

Svelte is an exciting Web framework that offers a fresh new take on how to build Web applications.If you are already experienced in React, Vue, Angular or other frontend frameworks you might be pleasantly surprised by Svelte.My first impression with Svelte was that it all feels so much more like plain JavaScript than working with other frameworks. Sure, you have some rules and there are templates that are n...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

Angular Succinctly

FREE EBOOK - Angular Succinctly

by Joseph D. Booth

Angular is a massively popular JavaScript framework built to take advantage of component development in web apps. It is constantly evolving, with a new major release delivered every six months. In Angular Succinctly, author Joseph D. Booth guides you through setting up a development environment, interacting with the Angular CLI, building Hello World, and more with the latest release, Angular 7. By the end, ...

Publisher:  Syncfusion  |  Release:  2019

Learning Twitter Bootstrap

FREE EBOOK - Learning Twitter Bootstrap

by Stack Overflow Community

Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework used to create websites that are created using a mobile-first paradigm as well as responsive web design (RWD). It uses a combination of premade CSS classes and JavaScript to make a variety of things on the web. It includes things such as a custom, responsive grid that allows websites to be viewed in on any screen, a dropdown navbar that is capable of being ...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

Learning jQuery

FREE EBOOK - Learning jQuery

by Stack Overflow Community

jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is an unofficial and free jQuery ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2019

Blazor Revealed

Blazor Revealed

by Peter Himschoot

Build web applications in Microsoft .NET that run in any modern browser, helping you to transfer your .NET experience and skills to a new environment and build browser-based applications using a robust and type-safe language and runtime. Developing a web site with rich client-side behavior means most developers need to learn a transpiled language like JavaScript or TypeScript. But today you can also develop...

Price:  $24.99  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2019

Pro MERN Stack, 2nd Edition

Pro MERN Stack, 2nd Edition

by Vasan Subramanian

Assemble the complete stack required to build a modern web app using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. This book also covers many other complementary tools: React Router, GraphQL, React-Bootstrap, Babel, and Webpack. This new edition will use the latest version of React (React 16) and the latest React Router (React Router 4), which has a significantly different approach to routing compared to React Router ...

Price:  $31.29  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2019

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