Real World Windows 8 App Development with JavaScript
by Edward Moemeka, Elizabeth Moemeka
Real World Windows 8 App Development with JavaScript offers you practical advice and hard-earned insights that will help you create and publish apps to a worldwide market.Led by authors with deep Windows 8 app development experience, you'll learn how to make the most of Microsoft's APIs for hooking into Windows 8 on all devices, including the core ideas of promises and the asynchronous programming...
Price: $5.01 | Publisher: Apress | Release: 2013
by Lori Lalonde, David R. Totzke
Windows Phone 8 Recipes is a problem-solution based guide to the Windows Phone 8 platform. Recipes are grouped according to features of the platform and ways of interacting with the device. Solutions are given in C# and XAML, so you can take your existing .NET skills and apply them to this exciting new venture.The book starts by guiding you through the setup of your development environment, including links ...
Price: $49.09 | Publisher: Apress | Release: 2013
by Mathias Olausson, Joachim Rossberg, Jakob Ehn, Mattias Skold
Pro Team Foundation Service gives you a jump-start into Microsoft's cloud-based Application Lifecycle Management platform, taking you through the different stages of software development. Every project needs to plan, develop, test and release software and with agile practices often at a higher pace than ever before.Microsoft's Team Foundation Service is a cloud-based platform that gives you tools ...
Price: $39.99 | Publisher: Apress | Release: 2013
Beginning jQuery 2 for ASP.NET Developers
by Bipin Joshi
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today, appearing on nearly two thirds of the 10,000 most visited sites on the web. With this sort of popularity, it's clear that ASP.NET developers can't afford to miss out.By combining jQuery with ASP.NET you get the best of both worlds: the client-side interactivity and responsiveness of JavaScript with the robustness and extensibility of Micr...
Price: $44.79 | Publisher: Apress | Release: 2013
by Mike Halsey
Windows 8 has been described by Microsoft as its "boldest" Windows release ever and the 8.1 update enhances the paradigm further. Beginning Windows 8.1 takes you through the new features and helps you get more out of the familiar to reveal the fullest possibilities for this amazing new operating system.You will learn, with non-technical language used throughout, how to get up and running i...
Price: $4.16 | Publisher: Apress | Release: 2013
by Matt Katzer, Don Crawford
Written for the IT professional and business owner, this book provides the business and technical insight necessary to migrate your business to the cloud using Microsoft Office 365. This is a practical look at cloud migration and the use of different technologies to support that migration. Numerous examples of cloud migration with technical migration details are included.Cloud technology is a tremendous opp...
Price: $3.80 | Publisher: Apress | Release: 2013
by David Pogue
With Windows 8, Microsoft completely reimagined the graphical user interface for its operating system, and designed it to run on tablets as well as PCs. It's a big change that calls for a trustworthy guide - Windows 8: The Missing Manual. New York Times columnist David Pogue provides technical insight, lots of wit, and hardnosed objectivity to help you hit the ground running with Microsoft's new O...
Price: $5.40 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2013
by Brian Desmond, Joe Richards, Robbie Allen, Alistair G. Lowe-Norris
Organize your network resources by learning how to design, manage, and maintain Active Directory. Updated to cover Windows Server 2012, the fifth edition of this bestselling book gives you a thorough grounding in Microsoft's network directory service by explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand, narrative style.You'll negotiate a maze of technologies for deploying a scalable and reliable AD inf...
Price: $30.78 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2013
Developing Business Intelligence Apps for SharePoint
by David Feldman, Jason Himmelstein
Create dynamic business intelligence (BI) solutions for SharePoint faster and with more capabilities than previously possible. With this book, you'll learn the entire process - from high-level concepts to development and deployment - for building data-rich BI applications with Visual Studio LightSwitch, SQL Server 2012, and a host of related Microsoft technologies.You'll learn practical techniques...
Price: $4.18 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2013
by Cathy O'Neil, Rachel Schutt
Now that people are aware that data can make the difference in an election or a business model, data science as an occupation is gaining ground. But how can you get started working in a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary field that's so clouded in hype? This insightful book, based on Columbia University's Introduction to Data Science class, tells you what you need to know.In many of these chapter-lon...
Price: $5.57 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2013