Patterns Books

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Agile Development for Serverless Platforms

FREE EBOOK - Agile Development for Serverless Platforms

by Danilo Poccia

You need more than great dev tools to release great software; you need an efficient pipeline that takes advantage of modern Agile development practices. Serverless platforms like AWS offer the basic building blocks you need to run code, store data, or process streaming information so you can focus on the features you want to provide, not get bogged down with the infrastructure. Combined with an agile proces...

Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Exploring the Data Jungle

FREE EBOOK - Exploring the Data Jungle

by Brian Godsey

Some people like to believe that all data is ready to be used immediately. Not so! Data in the wild is hard to track and harder to understand, and the first job of data scientists to identify and prepare data so it can be used. To find your way through the data jungle successfully, you need the right perspective and guidance. (There's no point hacking at overgrowth with a spoon after all!) Identify and...

Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Exploring .NET Core with Microservices, ASP.NET Core, and Entity Framework Core

FREE EBOOK - Exploring .NET Core with Microservices, ASP.NET Core, and Entity Framework Core

by Dustin Metzgar

Windows developers have always enjoyed the productivity boost you get with the .NET platform, tools like Entity Framework and ASP.NET, and the amazingly-powerful C# language. Now, .NET Core extends those same benefits to Linux-based systems, offering a true cross-platform solution for enterprise application development. The .NET Core tools, including Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core, are lightweight a...

Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2017

Node.js 8 the Right Way

Node.js 8 the Right Way

by Jim R. Wilson

JavaScript is the backbone of the modern web, powering nearly every web app's user interface. Node.js is JavaScript for the server. This greatly expanded second edition introduces new language features while dramatically increasing coverage of core topics. Each hands-on chapter offers progressively more challenging topics and techniques, broadening your skill set and enabling you to think in Node.js.Wr...

Price:  $27.99  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2017

The Cucumber Book, 2nd Edition

The Cucumber Book, 2nd Edition

by Matt Wynne, Aslak Hellesoy, Steve Tooke

Express your customers wild ideas as a set of clear, executable specifications that everyone on the team can read. Feed those examples into Cucumber and let it guide your development. Build just the right code to keep your customers happy. You can use Cucumber to test almost any system or any platform.Get started by using the core features of Cucumber and working with Cucumber's Gherkin DSL to describe...

Price:  $22.99  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2017

Mastering Ruby Closures

Mastering Ruby Closures

by Benjamin Tan Wei Hao

Ruby developers use the Ruby language as the yardstick for expressivity, flexibility, and elegance - and a large part of this is due to blocks, lambdas, and procs. These language features make Ruby one of the most beautiful and pleasant languages to work with. Learn how to understand and craft code that will take you closer to Ruby mastery.Start with the basics of closures and then dive into blocks, as you ...

Price:  $35.82  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2017

Java Design Patterns

Java Design Patterns

by Vaskaran Sarcar

Learn how to implement design patterns in Java: each pattern in Java Design Patterns is a complete implementation and the output is generated using Eclipse, making the code accessible to all. The examples are chosen so you will be able to absorb the core concepts easily and quickly.This book presents the topic of design patterns in Java in such a way that anyone can grasp the idea. By giving easy to follow ...

Price:  $29.99  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Beginning SOLID Principles and Design Patterns for ASP.NET Developers

Beginning SOLID Principles and Design Patterns for ASP.NET Developers

by Bipin Joshi

This book teaches you all the essential knowledge required to learn and apply time-proven SOLID principles of object-oriented design and important design patterns in ASP.NET 5 applications. You will learn to write server-side as well as client-side code that makes use of proven practices and patterns.SOLID is an acronym used to describe five basic principles of good object-oriented design - Single Responsib...

Price:  $24.49  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Applied Akka Patterns

Applied Akka Patterns

by Michael Nash, Wade Waldron

When it comes to big data processing, we can no longer ignore concurrency or try to add it in after the fact. Fortunately, the solution is not a new paradigm of development, but rather an old one. With this hands-on guide, Java and Scala developers will learn how to embrace concurrent and distributed applications with the open source Akka toolkit. You'll learn how to put the actor model and its associa...

Price:  $19.07  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

Modern Java EE Design Patterns

FREE EBOOK - Modern Java EE Design Patterns

by Markus Eisele

With the ascent of DevOps, microservices, containers, and cloud-based development platforms, the gap between state-of-the-art solutions and the technology that enterprises typically support has greatly increased. But as Markus Eisele explains in this O'Reilly report, some enterprises are now looking to bridge that gap by building microservice-based architectures on top of Java EE.Can it be done? Is it ...

Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

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