Programming Books

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How To Code in Go

FREE EBOOK - How To Code in Go

by Mark Bates, Cory LaNou, Tim Raymond

This book is designed to introduce you to writing programs with the Go programming language. You'll learn how to write useful tools and applications that can run on remote servers, or local Windows, macOS, and Linux systems for development.The topics that it covers include how to:- Install and set up a local Go development environment on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems;- Design your programs with con...

Publisher:  DigitalOcean  |  Release:  2020

The Deno Handbook

FREE EBOOK - The Deno Handbook

by Flavio Copes

Deno is a runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that is based on the V8 JavaScript engine and the Rust programming language.The Deno Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. In particular, the goal is to get you up to speed quickly with Deno....

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Python

FREE EBOOK - First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Python

by Yaning Liu

The book is based on "First semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia". The contents of the original book are retained, while all the algorithms are implemented in Python (Version 3.8.0). Python is an open source (under OSI), interpreted, general-purpose programming language that has a large number of users around the world. Python is ranked the third in August 2020 by the TIOBE programming commun...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Python

FREE EBOOK - First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Python

by Yaning Liu

The book is based on "First semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia". The contents of the original book are retained, while all the algorithms are implemented in Python (Version 3.8.0). Python is an open source (under OSI), interpreted, general-purpose programming language that has a large number of users around the world. Python is ranked the third in August 2020 by the TIOBE programming commun...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

The Real-Time APIs

FREE EBOOK - The Real-Time APIs

by Matthew O'Riordan, Karthik Krishnaswamy, Guillaume Corre, Robin Moffatt

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are seemingly everywhere. Thanks to the popularity of web-based products, cloud-based X-as-a-service offerings, and IoT, it is becoming increasingly important for engineers to understand all aspects of APIs, from design, to building, to operation.Research shows that there is increasing demand for near real-time APIs, in which speed and flexibility of response is vit...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

Bash Reference Manual

FREE EBOOK - Bash Reference Manual

by Chet Ramey, Brian Fox

Bash is the shell, or command language interpreter, for thegnuoperating system. Thename is an acronym for the 'Bourne-Again SHell', a pun on Stephen Bourne, the authorof the direct ancestor of the current Unix shellsh, which appeared in the Seventh Edition Bell Labs Research version of Unix.Bash is largely compatible withshand incorporates useful features from the Korn shellkshand the C shellcsh. ...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

JavaScript: The First 20 Years

FREE EBOOK - JavaScript: The First 20 Years

by Allen Wirfs-Brock, Brendan Eich

How a sidekick scripting language for Java, created at Netscape in a ten-day hack, ships first as a de facto Web standard and eventually becomes the world's most widely used programming language. This paper tells the story of the creation, design, evolution, and standardization of the JavaScript language over the period of 1995-2015. But the story is not only about the technical details of the language...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

Creative Scala

FREE EBOOK - Creative Scala

by Dave Gurnell, Noel Welsh

Creative Scala is aimed at developers who have no prior experience in Scala. It is designed to give you a fun introduction to functional programming. We assume you have some familiarity with another programming language but little or no experience with Scala or other functional languages.We have three goals with this book:1. To give an introduc on to functional programming so that you can calculate and reas...

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

PHPUnit Manual


by Sebastian Bergmann

PHPUnit is a unit testing framework for the PHP programming language.Manual edition for PHPUnit 9.1....

Publisher:  Self-publishing  |  Release:  2020

Understanding the DOM

FREE EBOOK - Understanding the DOM

by Tania Rascia

JavaScript is the de facto programming language of the web, but the language itself does not include any built-in method for working with input/output (I/O), such as graphics display and sound. Instead, the web browser provides an API for accessing the HTML document in a tree structure known as the Document Object Model (DOM). The combination of JavaScript and the DOM is what allows us to create interactive...

Publisher:  DigitalOcean  |  Release:  2020

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