by Christopher A. Jones, Fred L. Drake Jr
If you are a Python programmer who wants to incorporate XML into your skill set, this is the book for you. Python has attracted a wide variety of developers, who use it either as glue to connect critical programming tasks together, or as a complete cross-platform application development language. Yet, because it is object-oriented and has powerful text manipulation abilities, Python is an ideal language for...
Price: $10.00 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2001
Programming Web Services with SOAP
by James Snell, Doug Tidwell, Pavel Kulchenko
The web services architecture provides a new way to think about and implement application-to-application integration and interoperability that makes the development platform irrelevant. Two applications, regardless of operating system, programming language, or any other technical implementation detail, communicate using XML messages over open Internet protocols such as HTTP or SMTP. The Simple Open Access P...
Price: $17.45 | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Release: 2001
Professional Oracle 8i Application Programming with Java, PL/SQL and XML
by Michael Awai
This book is for professional Oracle database programmers who need a comprehensive roadmap of the new programming possibilities with Oracle 8i. On the other hand, if you are already developing with Java and XML this book will show you how to exploit PL/SQL and the enterprise features of Oracle 8i in optimally distributing your n-tier applications. Knowledge of the essentials of PL/SQL programming is require...
Price: $32.50 | Publisher: Wrox | Release: 2000