C++ Concurrency in Action, 2nd Edition

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Price$39.99 - $79.60
AuthorAnthony Williams
FormatPaper book / ebook (PDF)
EBook Hardcover Paperback

This bestseller has been updated and revised to cover all the latest changes to C++ 14 and 17! C++ Concurrency in Action, 2nd Edition teaches you everything you need to write robust and elegant multithreaded applications in C++17.

You choose C++ when your applications need to run fast. Well-designed concurrency makes them go even faster. C++ 17 delivers strong support for the multithreaded, multiprocessor programming required for fast graphic processing, machine learning, and other performance-sensitive tasks. This exceptional book unpacks the features, patterns, and best practices of production-grade C++ concurrency.

C++ Concurrency in Action, 2nd Edition is the definitive guide to writing elegant multithreaded applications in C++. Updated for C++ 17, it carefully addresses every aspect of concurrent development, from starting new threads to designing fully functional multithreaded algorithms and data structures. Concurrency master Anthony Williams presents examples and practical tasks in every chapter, including insights that will delight even the most experienced developer.

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