Building Microservices with Spring

Master design patterns of the Spring framework to build smart, efficient microservices

Bookstore > Books > Building Microservices with Spring

AuthorsDinesh Rajput, Rajesh R V
PublisherPackt Publishing
FormatPaper book / ebook (PDF)
EBook Hardcover Paperback

Getting Started with Spring Microservices begins with an overview of the Spring Framework 5.0, its design patterns, and its guidelines that enable you to implement responsive microservices at scale. You will learn how to use GoF patterns in application design. You will understand the dependency injection pattern, which is the main principle behind the decoupling process of the Spring Framework and makes it easier to manage your code. Then, you will learn how to use proxy patterns in aspect-oriented programming and remoting. Moving on, you will understand the JDBC template patterns and their use in abstracting database access.

After understanding the basics, you will move on to more advanced topics, such as reactive streams and concurrency. Written to the latest specifications of Spring that focuses on Reactive Programming, the Learning Path teaches you how to build modern, internet-scale Java applications in no time.

Next, you will understand how Spring Boot is used to deploying serverless autonomous services by removing the need to have a heavyweight application server. You'll also explore ways to deploy your microservices to Docker and managing them with Mesos.

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  2. (2 books)

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