Business Books

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Dynamic SQL

Dynamic SQL

by Ed Pollack

This book is an introduction and deep-dive into the many uses of dynamic SQL in Microsoft SQL Server. Dynamic SQL is key to large-scale searching based upon user-entered criteria. It's also useful in generating value-lists, in dynamic pivoting of data for business intelligence reporting, and for customizing database objects and querying their structure.Executing dynamic SQL is at the heart of applicati...

Price:  $29.99  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Migrating Large-Scale Services to the Cloud

Migrating Large-Scale Services to the Cloud

by Eric Passmore

This book reveals the technical challenges and successful implementation details of migrating MSN, Microsoft's consumer content portal - a business with 450 million worldwide users - into the Cloud. Following a technique long used in aviation, medicine, and other fields, MSN's Chief Technical Officer, Eric Passmore, describes the set of release, deployment, monitoring, and mitigation checklists us...

Price:  $36.25  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Beacon Technologies

Beacon Technologies

by Stephen Statler, Anke Audenaert, John Coombs, Theresa Mary Gordon, Phil Hendrix, Kris Kolodziej, Patrick Leddy, Ben Parker, Mario Proietti, Ray Rotolo, Kjartan Slette, Jarno Vanto, David Young

Proximity technology - in particular, Bluetooth beacons - is a major source of business opportunity, and this book provides everything you need to know to architect a solution to capitalize on that opportunity. Learn the key standards - iBeacon, Eddystone, Bluetooth 4.0, and AltBeacon - and how they work with other proximity technologies. Then build your understanding of the proximity framework and how to i...

Price:  $44.81  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Beginning SQL Queries, 2nd Edition

Beginning SQL Queries, 2nd Edition

by Clare Churcher

Get started on mastering the one language binding the entire database industry. That language is SQL, and how it works is must-have knowledge for anyone involved with relational databases, and surprisingly also for anyone involved with NoSQL databases. SQL is universally used in querying and reporting on large data sets in order to generate knowledge to drive business decisions.Good knowledge of SQL is cruc...

Price:  $23.95  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Pro SQL Server Internals, 2nd Edition

Pro SQL Server Internals, 2nd Edition

by Dmitri Korotkevitch

Improve your ability to develop, manage, and troubleshoot SQL Server solutions by learning how different components work "under the hood", and how they communicate with each other. The detailed knowledge helps in implementing and maintaining high-throughput databases critical to your business and its customers. You'll learn how to identify the root cause of each problem and understand...

Price:  $49.36  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Building a Comprehensive IT Security Program

Building a Comprehensive IT Security Program

by Jeremy Wittkop

This book explains the ongoing war between private business and cyber criminals, state-sponsored attackers, terrorists, and hacktivist groups. Further, it explores the risks posed by trusted employees that put critical information at risk through malice, negligence, or simply making a mistake. It clarifies the historical context of the current situation as it relates to cybersecurity, the challenges facing ...

Price:  $39.99  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2016

Mapping Experiences

Mapping Experiences

by James Kalbach

Customers who have inconsistent, broken experiences with products and services are understandably frustrated. But it's worse when people inside these companies can't pinpoint the problem because they're too focused on business processes. This practical book shows your company how to use alignment diagrams to turn valuable customer observations into actionable insight. With this unique tool, y...

Price:  $20.27  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

Designing Efficient BPM Applications

Designing Efficient BPM Applications

by Christine McKinty, Antoine Mottier

Looking for efficiency gains in your business? If you're a business analyst, this practical guide will show you how to design effective business process management (BPM) applications. Every business uses business processes - these everyday tasks help you gain and retain customers, stay profitable, and keep your operations infrastructure functioning.BPM specialists Christine McKinty and Antoine Mottier ...

Price:  $27.92  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

Getting Started with SQL

Getting Started with SQL

by Thomas Nield

Businesses are gathering data today at exponential rates and yet few people know how to access it meaningfully. If you're a business or IT professional, this short hands-on guide teaches you how to pull and transform data with SQL in significant ways. You will quickly master the fundamentals of SQL and learn how to create your own databases.Author Thomas Nield provides exercises throughout the book to ...

Price:  $29.61  |  Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

Modern Java EE Design Patterns

FREE EBOOK - Modern Java EE Design Patterns

by Markus Eisele

With the ascent of DevOps, microservices, containers, and cloud-based development platforms, the gap between state-of-the-art solutions and the technology that enterprises typically support has greatly increased. But as Markus Eisele explains in this O'Reilly report, some enterprises are now looking to bridge that gap by building microservice-based architectures on top of Java EE.Can it be done? Is it ...

Publisher:  O'Reilly Media  |  Release:  2016

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