Elixir Books

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Designing Elixir Systems with OTP

Designing Elixir Systems with OTP

by II James Edward Gray, Bruce A. Tate

You know how to code in Elixir; now learn to think in it. Learn to design libraries with intelligent layers that shape the right data structures, flow from one function into the next, and present the right APIs. Embrace the same OTP that's kept our telephone systems reliable and fast for over 30 years. Move beyond understanding the OTP functions to knowing what's happening under the hood, and why ...

Price:  $35.49  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2019

Building Telegram Bots

Building Telegram Bots

by Nicolas Modrzyk

Learn about bot programming, using all the latest and greatest programming languages, including Python, Go, and Clojure, so you can feel at ease writing your Telegram bot in a way that suits you.This book shows how you can use bots for just about everything: they connect, they respond, they enhance your job search chances, they do technical research for you, they remind you about your last train, they tell ...

Price:  $25.13  |  Publisher:  Apress  |  Release:  2019

Phoenix in Action

Phoenix in Action

by Geoffrey Lessel

Phoenix is a modern web framework built for the Elixir programming language. Elegant, fault-tolerant, and performant, Phoenix is as easy to use as Rails and as rock-solid as Elixir's Erlang-based foundation. Phoenix in Action builds on your existing web dev skills, teaching you the unique benefits of Phoenix along with just enough Elixir to get the job done.Modern web applications need to be efficient ...

Price:  $28.47  |  Publisher:  Manning  |  Release:  2019

Programming Phoenix 1.4

Programming Phoenix 1.4

by Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, Jose Valim

Don't accept the compromise between fast and beautiful: you can have it all. Phoenix creator Chris McCord, Elixir creator José Valim, and award-winning author Bruce Tate walk you through building an application that's fast and reliable. At every step, you'll learn from the Phoenix creators not just what to do, but why. Packed with insider insights and completely updated for Phoenix 1.4, this...

Price:  $34.99  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2019

Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix

Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix

by Lance Halvorsen

Elixir and OTP provide exceptional tools to build rock-solid back-end applications that scale. In this book, you'll build a web application in a radically different way, with a back end that holds application state. You'll use persistent Phoenix Channel connections instead of HTTP's request-response, and create the full application in distinct, decoupled layers.In Part 1, start by building th...

Price:  $18.99  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

Learn Functional Programming with Elixir

Learn Functional Programming with Elixir

by Ulisses Almeida

Functional programming offers useful techniques for building maintainable and scalable software that solves today's difficult problems. The demand for software written in this way is increasing - you don't want to miss out. In this book, you'll not only learn Elixir and its features, you'll also learn the mindset required to program functionally. Elixir's clean syntax is excellent f...

Price:  $29.78  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

Adopting Elixir

Adopting Elixir

by Ben Marx, Jose Valim, Bruce Tate

Adoption is more than programming. Elixir is an exciting new language, but to successfully get your application from start to finish, you're going to need to know more than just the language. You need the case studies and strategies in this book. Learn the best practices for the whole life of your application, from design and team-building, to managing stakeholders, to deployment and monitoring. Go bey...

Price:  $35.43  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe

Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe

by Bruce Williams, Ben Wilson

Your domain is rich and interconnected, and your API should be too. Upgrade your web API to GraphQL, leveraging its flexible queries to empower your users, and its declarative structure to simplify your code. Absinthe is the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir, a functional programming language designed to enable massive concurrency atop robust application architectures. Written by the creators of Absinthe, this boo...

Price:  $17.00  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

Programming Elixir 1.6

Programming Elixir 1.6

by Dave Thomas

Functional programming techniques help you manage the complexities of today's real-world, concurrent systems; maximize uptime; and manage security. Enter Elixir, with its modern, Ruby-like, extendable syntax, compile and runtime evaluation, hygienic macro system, and more. But, just as importantly, Elixir brings a sense of enjoyment to parallel, functional programming. Your applications become fun to w...

Price:  $38.93  |  Publisher:  The Pragmatic Programmers  |  Release:  2018

Phoenix Web Development

Phoenix Web Development

by Brandon Richey

Phoenix is a modern web development framework that is used to build API's and web applications. It is built on Elixir and runs on Erlang VM which makes it much faster than other options. With Elixir and Phoenix, you build your application the right way, ready to scale and ready for the increasing demands of real-time web applications.This book covers the basics of the Phoenix web framework, showing you...

Price:  $39.99  |  Publisher:  Packt Publishing  |  Release:  2018

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