Free IT, Programming and Computer Science Books

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Managing Risk and Information Security

Managing Risk and Information Security

Managing Risk and Information Security: Protect to Enable, an ApressOpen title, describes the changing risk environment and why a fresh approach to information security is needed. Because almost every aspect of an enterprise is now dependent on technology, the focus of IT security must shift from locking down assets to enabling the busine...
Clever Algorithms

Clever Algorithms

This book provides a handbook of algorithmic recipes from the fields of Metaheuristics, Biologically Inspired Computation and Computational Intelligence that have been described in a complete, consistent, and centralized manner. These standardized descriptions were carefully designed to be accessible, usable, and understandable. Most of t...
Making Games with Python & Pygame

Making Games with Python & Pygame

Making Games with Python & Pygame covers the Pygame library with the source code for 11 games. Making Games was written as a sequel for the same age range as Invent with Python. Once you have an understanding of the basics of Python programming, you can now expand your abilities using the Pygame library to make games with graphics, an...
SQL Server Backup and Restore

SQL Server Backup and Restore

In this book, you'll discover how to perform each of these backup and restore operations using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), basic T-SQL scripts and Redgate's SQL Backup tool. Capturing backups using SSMS or simple scripts is perfectly fine for one-off backup operations, but any backups that form part of the recovery stra...
SQL Server Concurrency

SQL Server Concurrency

If you've designed your SQL code intelligently and implemented a sensible indexing strategy, there's a good chance your queries will "fly", when tested in isolation. In the real world, however, where multiple processes can access the same data at the same time, SQL Server often has to make one process wait, sacrificing...
Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 is Microsoft's smart and simple answer to cloud computing. Using the various programs in Office 365, you can do all the tasks you're used to doing in your favorite Office applications - write documents, create presentations, check email, manage your calendar, crunch numbers, and more - and then share what you create i...
Linux Kernel Crash Book

Linux Kernel Crash Book

Linux crash analysis - this is a subject that has lots of unanswered mail threads and plain text documents scattered all over the place, inaccessible to almost everyone, save the tiny percentage of super geeks.My personal and professional interest in the last three years has taken me down the path of Linux kernel secrets, all the way into...
Mastering SQL Queries for SAP Business One

Mastering SQL Queries for SAP Business One

SAP Business One is an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software which offers an ideal solution for growing small to midsized businesses. For such companies, retrieving the most relevant information from their business data can be key to standing out from the competition. SAP Business One is a rapidly growing software package...
SQL Server Hardware

SQL Server Hardware

SQL Server Hardware will provide the fundamental knowledge and resources you need to make intelligent decisions about choice, and optimal installation and configuration, of SQL Server hardware, operating system and the SQL Server RDBMS.Relational databases place heavy demands on their underlying hardware and many of these databases are mi...
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

It's a fact: if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop your own iPhone apps. With this book, you'll learn how to use these open source web technologies to design and build apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch on the platform of your choice-without using Objective-C or Cocoa.Device-agnost...
Object-oriented Programming in C#

Object-oriented Programming in C#

This is a teaching material about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#.It is assumed, as a prerequisite, that the readers have some knowledge about imperative programming, preferably knowledge about C.I believe that it is best to learn object-oriented programming after having learned and worked ...
Learning Go

Learning Go

This is an introduction to the Go language from Google. Its aim is to provide a guide to this new and innovative language.The intended audience of this book is people who are familiar with programming and know multiple programming languages,be it C, C++, Perl, Java, Erlang, Scala or Haskell. This is not a book which teaches you how to pro...
Zabbix 1.8 Network Monitoring

Zabbix 1.8 Network Monitoring

Imagine you're celebrating the start of the weekend with Friday-night drinks with a few friends. And then suddenly your phone rings - one of the servers you administer has gone down, and it needs to be back up before tomorrow morning. So you drag yourself back to the office, only to discover that some log files have been growing more...
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software product that integrates financial, manufacturing, supply chain management, sales and marketing, project management, human resources, and services management information from across your organization, into a centralized database. It can take hours to browse through do...
.NET Performance Testing and Optimization

.NET Performance Testing and Optimization

As we develop the applications to meet current and future needs, it is only natural to use current best practices and techniques for our designs and implementations. In the quest to improve how we develop, we can access a true wealth of information which is available on design patterns, object-oriented analysis, low-level code techniques ...
The Common Java Cookbook

The Common Java Cookbook

This book focuses on tactical implementation details, answering such questions as: How do we parse XML? How do we serialize beans? Is there an easier way to work with Collections? How do we work with HTTP and keep track of cookies? In enterprise software development, the tactical is often sacrificed for the strategic. Consider a complex e...
Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, 2nd Edition

Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, 2nd Edition

This bestselling book is now the standard guide to building phone systems with Asterisk, the open source IP PBX that has traditional telephony providers running scared! Revised for the 1.4 release of the software, the new edition of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony reveals how you can save money on equipment and support, and finally be i...
97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know

97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know

In this truly unique technical book, today's leading software architects present valuable principles on key development issues that go way beyond technology. More than four dozen architects - including Neal Ford, Michael Nygard, and Bill de hOra - offer advice for communicating with stakeholders, eliminating complexity, empowering de...
Confessions of an IT Manager

Confessions of an IT Manager

From IT projects that have trampled all over the guiding principles of successful development, to tips on training your manager to the required standard, each of Phil's tales is shot through with a wild seam of anarchic humour. And yet, in each case, the humor is just a sugar coating for a pill of sage advice, wrought from years of r...
Protecting SQL Server Data

Protecting SQL Server Data

In Protecting SQL Server Data, John Magnabosco demonstrates how sensitive data, stored in SQL Server, can be protected using an efficient and maintainable encryption-based data architecture.He explains how to assess and categorize data elements according to sensitivity, regulate access to the various categories of data using database role...

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