Beginning iOS 6 Games Development

Bookstore > Books > Beginning iOS 6 Games Development

Price$31.84 - $37.62
AuthorLucas Jordan
FormatPaper book / ebook (PDF)
EBook Hardcover Paperback

Game apps on iPhone and now The New iPad remain one of the most popular type of apps in the Apple iTunes App Store. Does Angry Birds ring a bell? Now, you can learn to build game apps for the iPhone 5 and The New iPad using the new iOS 6 SDK.

Beginning iOS 6 Games Development provides a clear path for you to learn and create iPhone and iPad game apps using the iOS 6 SDK platform. You'll learn how to use the core classes to create rich and dynamic games apps, including graphics, animations, and sound. The latest version of Xcode 4.5 will be used in parts of the book to guide you along the way of building your iPhone or iPad game apps.

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